
水看世界 | 美国供水水质信息公开机制的改进——《消费者信心报告》工作小组报告

净水技术 2022-07-19

The following article is from 宛平南路600号楼长阿三 Author 阮辰旼

本文素材来源于美国自来水工程师协会杂志(J AWWA, 2022(1)),原作版权归原出处和原作者。本人对素材原文进行全文翻译后进行整理汇编凝练,仅用于行业交流和相互学习。本稿如需转载,请联系本人取得授权。



原文链接:https://awwa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/awwa.1840原文作者:Adam T. Carpenter

原文出处:J AWWA,2022,01


The CCR Working Group Report


* 《消费者信心报告》是美国环保总署要求,各供水企业每年度需要对所有用户发送的一份报告,其中包括了当年供水水质的详细情况。

America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (Public Law 115–270) came with changes to infrastructure programs and other aspects of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Among these is Section 2008, which directs the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to make several modifications to the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). These changes include codifying electronic delivery, increasing the understandability of the reports, requiring biannual delivery for systems serving at least 10,000 people, and adding information about corrosion control (see the DC Beat article in April 2019 for more details on these requirements).


 USEPA was relatively quiet on the process of updating this rule until mid-2021. In August 2021, USEPA convened a CCR rule revision working group under the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC) to discuss many of the potential changes and to make recommendations to USEPA on ways to implement them. In November 2021, the NDWAC working group completed a draft of its recommendations, which are divided into four charge questions, with a total of 29 consensus and three non-consensus recommendations. There are far too many to discuss them all here, but there are some highlights:


• It was felt that USEPA should “address accessibility through implementation guidance and support” (charge 1, recommendation 1), such as using internet accessibility standards for those with disabilities, ensuring that text is searchable, and including other strategies to support the function of assistive technologies for those reading the CCRs.


• There was considerable emphasis on translating the CCRs into other languages (charge 1, recommendations 3–6). Although it is unclear what requirement would change, recommendations included both using “certified translators” when there is a significant non-English speaking population within a service territory and ensuring that CCRs are posted in such a way that automated translation services will function optimally.


• The working group described that access to CCRs by renters and non-bill-paying customers needs improvement (charge 2, recommendation 2), with an example being sending postcards to addresses that do not receive a bill directly.


• There was a recommendation for the use of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Clear Communication Index to help rewrite CCRs, including mandatory language to help improve the readability and clarity of the reports (charge 3, recommendation 4).


• The working group identified additional electronic delivery options that should be allowed, including the use of text messages (charge 4, recommendation 4).


Notably, the working group did not reach consensus on all issues discussed. For example, members were not able to agree on whether the currently used “CCR units”—which can differ from commonly used laboratory units—should be retained or eliminated (charge 3, non-consensus recommendation 1). Also, the members disagreed on the intent of the biannual delivery requirement, with some suggesting that it would require that the annual CCR be delivered twice per year, and others that the CCR would need to be split into two six-month CCRs (charge 4, non-consensus recommendation 1).


The working group’s (and ultimately NDWAC’s) recommendations are only the first in a series of steps to develop this revised rule. USEPA will use the recommendations to help inform its rule development, but as we have seen in similar processes in the past, it is not a requirement to use the NDWAC’s recommendations, and USEPA may pick and choose some portions of the report in its rule design. It is important to note that the working group did not perform any analysis of the feasibility, costs and benefits, and other important aspects of its recommendations. There will be an engagement process, a proposed rule, a final rule, and a compliance schedule for any changes. At present, we expect a proposed rule by March 2023 and a final rule in March 2024, although that schedule may change.


It’s important to recognize that we are probably still several years away from new CCR requirements. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t examine your CCR processes now to identify ways to better reach customers and streamline delivery (whether electronic or otherwise). If you haven’t yet considered electronic delivery, now may be the time to do so to be better prepared for biannual delivery requirements. Any analysis done now will only help to prepare for upcoming rule changes.







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